episode 28: Paul Mazurkiewicz (Cannibal Corpse)

„I really don’t care!“

With him being one of the founders of Death Metal Paul was one of those artist I really was excited about to have on the show. Cannibal Corpse has always been and still is one of the most successful – if not the most successful – extreme Metal bands out there.

And you can tell listening to him for only a few moments already that he still embraces a punky attitude in drumming: You think he plays not sophisticatedly, only sticks to one formula, plays too impulsively or any other prejudice you might have? Paul doesn’t give a rat’s ass!

Doing what he does for so many years now demands a great load of respect. He sweats from the first minute of a show to its last. And even though drumtalk shoots are demanding for everyone involved, Paul gave it his all to the last minute before sound check.
I have nothing but respect and love for this fellow.



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