episode 06: Sean Reinert (Cynic, Death)

To have Sean Reinert be a part of drumtalk was very important to me since he is one of the greatest influences on my own drumming. And even though we had even played a show together in 2011 it was more than unsure to me whether the appointment would take place. Because I had no 100 percent guaranteed confirmation and the venue was fully packed I was pretty nervous – in addition to the nervousness caused by a 5 hour long trip through rain and storm in December 2013. In the end – as you can see in the video – all worked out well and we had a really cool interview. Sean talked about his career as a musician, the new Cynic record, re-visiting a part of metal history with DTA, his ideas of sounds, setups & composing and talked about what has never been touched by him although he was an important part of the Death Metal genre: blastbeats. Not only was Sean very well tempered and gave his all, I happened to be in the backstage room with DEATH’s HUMAN lineup! So when I left the building at 1:30 in the morning I was happy as a king.

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